8 Billion Changemakers

A new way to change the world: Fun, personalised, micro-projects implemented on a massive scale.

We make it easy to feel good yourself and do good for others.

Maac Lab

812+ maacs

Find Your Maac

Discover a personalised micro project that energises you and is good for the world.

Find Your Maac

200+ people trained

Help Others Find Theirs

Discover a new source of motivation that energises you and the people you work with.

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Learn more about Maac Lab

Maac Stories

We’d love to add yours!

Jessica transformed her morning commute into a make-someone-laugh challenge. 

'The best way to start the day.'


Two Problems. One Solution.

Two problems

One solution

1. People.

People need help! Mental health is not in good shape. Rates of depression and anxiety are rising. People are feeling increasingly angry and the social fabric is weakening. We are becoming more self-absorbed, gradually insulating our individual bubbles with each passing day.


2. The world.

The world needs help! From global issues like climate change and inequality to local issues like cooperation and quality of life, the scope is too big to be handled by the state, the market, and charities. We need a fourth player, and that fourth player is all of us. 

Make it easier for people to feel good by doing good.

The best antidote to depression and anxiety, is not to look inwards, but to look outwards. We need to get outside of ourselves with concrete actions. The more these actions are small and enjoyable, the more they are sustainable and scalable.


Maac takes on this challenge by combining a person’s interests with their concerns about the world to give them a project that feels meaningful and impactful. They feel better and the world is a smidge improved. Multiply that by 8 billion and we are on our way.

Find Your Maac

Check out a Sprint to discover dozens of original project ideas or sign up for a Workshop to follow the whole method.

Find Your Maac

Help Others Find Theirs

Learn the Maac Method to lead workshops, to apply where you work now, or for your career in the future.

Give Workshops

Maac in 6 Questions

What does ‘maac’ mean?

Maac stands for Massively Accessible Actions for Change. A maac is a small project that does good. We created a new name for a new way of helping. Maac (with a big M) is short for Maac Lab, the organisation that promotes maacs (with a small m).

It is really that new?

Yes! This could really be a game changer. People have, of course, found ways to help well before Maac, but by giving it a name and a simple how-to, we’re hoping it will spread.

How does it work?

We take each person’s unique set of interests and experiences and combine them with their concerns about the world to create super-motivating projects. We do this by helping people find their own projects and by training people on the method. 

Do you have examples of projects?

There are so many! From tapas to TikTok, knitting to Netflix, so many things can make a maac. There are as many maacs possible as there are people on the planet - more in fact! See our Maac Stories, above, and on this page, for more.

How is Maac different from volunteering?

Maacs are individual, small projects that are specific to each person. Volunteering is great for many people, but may not suit everyone, as described here. Maac offers another way to do good, and feel good doing so.

Is this free? Can I earn money with this?

Yes, and yes. We have free resources to find your maac, including our Sprints and this guide. To learn the method and give workshops, we have several paid courses, and a free starter guide. People who train to become a Maac practitioner earn money doing so.

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