How do people make a difference to the world? Some people may volunteer, or give money, or choose a career that helps others. These are all commendable of course, but there's room for so much more.
We need every person on this planet to be able to make a difference. We need every person to feel like they have something to offer. And we need everyone to enjoy themselves while they do so. We need to make it easier to feel good by doing good.
A New Way of Helping
Use what you’re good at
Walks in nature? Skateboarding? Writing poems? Dogs? There’s a maac for that!
With the time you have
Many maacs take no time! A bit of creativity goes a long way.
Feel energised
When you do what you love, you feel good. You can do this.
Connection & Meaning
Connect to something larger than yourself. (Self-interest is overrated!)
A Dip or a Dive
For those who want a taste of the method, join one of our free online webinars.
Sprints are designed to give you a taste of the process. We do a few exercises, brainstorm ideas, and you leave full of possibilities.
From home, with coffee.
One hour, flies by.
Simple exercises, nothing weird.
Free, no strings attached.
Fun and inspiring to boot!
For those of you ready to dive right in, try our more in-depth workshops to find a project idea and follow it through.
Our workshops are lead by Maac-certified practioners. You’ll get access to all the exercises and participant workbook.
Small groups of ~6 people.
In person or online.
Easy exercises, nothing weird.
Five sessions of 1.5 hours.
50€ all included.
Start Today
1. Sign up
We'll notify you of upcoming sprints.
1. Sign up
We'll connect you with Maac Practioners offering workshops.
2. Attend a Sprint
Choose one that fits your schedule.
2. Attend online or in person
Whichever you prefer.
3. Be amazed at how many project ideas there are.
Change your view of helping forever.
3. Find a project
Mix purpose and pleasure.
Real Maac Stories
Nathalie runs a walking group for women struggling with their weight.
‘It shifted a bunch of little things in my life.’
Common Questions
How big are maacs?
In general, maacs tend to be small, but some can develop into bigger projects, and some have even been springboards for social businesses.
What if I don’t have any time?
That’s part of the appeal. A maac's point of leverage is creativity, not time. Some maacs take only five minutes a week and still pack a powerful punch in terms of individual and collective wellbeing.
Will this change my life?
Yes, actually, it might. Projects can develop as much as people want them to. And even when they are small, they can be incredibly rewarding. People also tell us that discovering the number of possible ideas is empowering in itself.
What's the difference between Workshops and Sprints?
Sprints are designed to give you a sense of what the method is like. It’s more like a brainstorm of ideas of how we can mix and match ideas to create maacs. Workshops are designed to give you a chance to really develop a project, with a small group of people who are also developing theirs.
Who gives the Workshops?
Workshops are delivered by a small team of Maac practioners who have completed a training on the Method. We put you in touch with people who then contact you.
What if I’m not creative and I don’t have any special skills?
Then you’ve come to the right place. The magic of the method is to discover how everyone can find a project. Napping, Netflix, and nachos can all become maacs. It’s pretty cool to discover all the possible ideas.
Want to try for free?

Receive the free guide
This includes a brief intro and a sample of key exercises. It will give you a good idea of what the method is about, and it could be enough to allow you to create your own maac!